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Developer's Guide - Publisher Configuration
In This Topic

The publisher section adjusts how the central publisher functions.  The publisher sits between all log messages and other information collected by the agent and the messengers that can display or record the information.

Configuration Type Path
App.Config File (xml) gibraltar.publisher
Environment Variable Prefix Loupe__Publisher
Option Description Default Value Required

When true, all writes will be performed synchronously.  This implicitly will override the Viewer and SessionFile forceSynchronous settings.

This can affect the degree of parallelism of a multithreaded application and throughput, so is generally only set in cases when the application is crashing during startup or other hard to catch scenarios.

false false

An application type name to use instead of the automatically detected type.

This setting is not generally necessary as the Agent will automatically determine the application type correctly in most typical windows services, console apps, WinForm applications, and ASP.NET applications.
If the automatic determination is unsuccessful or incorrect with a particular application, the correct type can be configured with this setting to bypass the automatic determination.  However, setting this incorrectly for the application could have undesirable effects.

Possible non-empty values are:

  • AspNet: An application hosted in ASP.NET
  • Console: A windows console application
  • Service:  A windows service or plug in with no user interface
  • Windows: A traditional WinForms/WPF application

Values are not case sensitive.

"" false

When true, the Agent will include debug messages in logs.  Not intended for extended production use.

Normally the Agent will fail silently and otherwise compensate for problems to ensure that it doesn't cause a problem for your application.  When you are developing your application you can enable this mode to get more detail about why the Agent is behaving as it is and resolve issues.

When enabled, the Agent may throw exceptions to indicate calling errors it normally would just silently ignore.  Therefore, this option is not recommended for extended production use.

false false

When true, the Agent will record session data without collecting personally-identifying information.

In anonymous mode the Agent will not collect personally-identifying information such as user name, user domain name, host name, host domain name, and the application's command line.

false false

The maximum number of queued messages waiting to be written to disk.

Once the total number of messages waiting to be written exceeds the maximum queue length the log writer will switch to a synchronous mode to catch up.  This will not cause the application to experience synchronous logging behavior unless the publisher queue is also filled.

2000 false

A product name to use instead of the automatically detected name.

Loupe will automatically use the product name from the launching assembly which works reliably for windows services, WinForms, and Console applications.  For ASP.NET applications it is recommended that this setting be used since there is no launching assembly.

"" false

An application name to use instead of the automatically detected name.

Loupe will automatically use the application name from the launching assembly which works reliably for windows services, WinForms, and Console applications.  For ASP.NET applications it is recommended that this setting be used since there is no launching assembly.

"" false

A description of the application to include with the session information.

Generally unnecessary for windows services, console apps, and WinForm applications. Useful for web applications where there is no reasonable way of automatically determining application description from the assemblies that initiate logging.

"" false

An application version to use instead of the automatically detected version.

Loupe will automatically use the file version from the launching assembly which works reliably for windows services, WinForms, and Console applications.  For ASP.NET applications it is recommended that this setting be used since there is no launching assembly.

If specified, the version must be in a format that can be parsed by System.Version, generally "X.X.X.X" or "X.X.X" with strictly numeric values. 

"" false

The environment this session is running in.

Environments are useful for categorizing sessions, for example to indicate the hosting environment. If a value is provided it will be carried with the session data to upstream servers and clients.  If the corresponding entry does not exist it will be automatically created.

"" false

The promotion level of the session

Promotion levels are useful for categorizing sessions, for example to indicate whether they were run in development, staging, or production.  If a value is provided it will be carried with the session data to upstream servers and clients.  If the corresponding entry doesn't exist it will be automatically created.

"" false


Publisher Configuration
Copy Code
    <sectionGroup name="gibraltar">
      <section name="publisher" type="Gibraltar.Agent.PublisherElement, Gibraltar.Agent" />
    <publisher productName="Microsoft Office" applicationName="Outlook" promotionLevelName="Production" />


Environment Configuration
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Loupe__Publisher__ProductName=Microsoft Office
See Also