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Developer's Guide - Agent Configuration through Configuration Files

The Loupe Agent can be configured without any code changes by editing your application configuration file (web.config for ASP.NET applications, app.config for WinForms and Services).  The default configuration of the Loupe Agent is designed to be optimal for most applications.  If you want to use the default configuration, you don't need to add any of the Loupe-specific XML to your application configuration file.

You can also perform all configuration in your code without using a configuration file, see Developer's Guide - Agent Configuration through Code for details.

If you do all configuration through the App.Config file, be sure to review Ensuring the Loupe Agent gets Loaded

Configuration Sections

There are seven configuration areas supported by the agent.  These options can be changed in the application configuration file without recompiling.  Click on the Section name to see details of all the options in that section.

Section Description
autoSendConsent Configures whether user consent is required for automatic sending.
email Configures the email server connection properties used by the Packager.
listener Adjusts the configuration of the Loupe .NET Listener that captures information directly from the .NET runtime including system, network debug, console, and trace events.
networkViewer Configures live sessions.
packager Sets options to customize the end-user behavior of the packager and provide the best user experience.
publisher Adjusts how the central publisher functions.  The publisher sits between all log messages and other information collected by the agent and the messengers that can display or record the information.
properties Custom properties (name/value pairs) to be recorded with each session and displayed in the Loupe Desktop.
sessionFile Adjusts how session files are managed.  The session file is the persistent on-disk record of the session.  If disabled, no session file will be recorded which means that there will be no data to package or access with the Loupe Desktop or Packager.
server Configures a Loupe Server connection.
viewer Configures the Loupe Live Viewer.

Enabling Application Configuration

Before you can add any specific Loupe configuration section to the application configuration file it is necessary to define the configuration sections.  Without this step, your application will not start.  If you set options for a section, then the associated entry must be added to the configSections area.  Extra section entries will not harm your application, so it's safe to put the entire set into your file.

This information is automatically added for you by the Loupe Agent NuGet package if the Loupe Agent is added via NuGet.
Example minimal application configuration file with Configuration Sections Defined
Copy Code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- You may have other configuration sections already in your XML file.  If not, the
     configSections tag MUST be placed at the top of the file before the other .NET
     configuration sections or your application will not start -->
    <sectionGroup name="gibraltar">
      <section name="listener" type="Gibraltar.Agent.ListenerElement, Gibraltar.Agent"/>
      <section name="packager" type="Gibraltar.Agent.PackagerElement, Gibraltar.Agent"/>
      <section name="publisher" type="Gibraltar.Agent.PublisherElement, Gibraltar.Agent"/>
      <section name="sessionFile" type="Gibraltar.Agent.SessionFileElement, Gibraltar.Agent"/>
      <section name="viewer" type="Gibraltar.Agent.ViewerElement, Gibraltar.Agent"/>
      <section name="server" type="Gibraltar.Agent.ServerElement, Gibraltar.Agent"/>
      <section name="email" type="Gibraltar.Agent.EmailElement, Gibraltar.Agent"/>
      <section name="autoSendConsent" type="Gibraltar.Agent.AutoSendConsentElement, Gibraltar.Agent"/>
      <section name="networkViewer" type="Gibraltar.Agent.NetworkViewerElement, Gibraltar.Agent"/>
      <section name="properties" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler" />
<!-- Here is where all of the Loupe configuration sections can be added. -->
See Also