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    Loupe Server - Private Loupe Server
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    As an alternative to the Loupe Service operated by Gibraltar Software you can install and maintain your own private Loupe Server.

     Installing a Loupe Server

    The Loupe Server extends IIS 7 (and later) with a custom web site and a windows service.  It supports Windows Server 2008 and later.

    For complete information on how to install and perform initial setup see Loupe Server Administration - Installing Server.

     Administering a Loupe Server

    Once you have installed a Loupe Server there are some administrative tasks that can only be conducted using the Loupe Server Administrator.  This includes:

    • Changing the Server password
    • Mail server connection & mailbox monitoring
    • Server storage limits

    Routine Server administration, like adding new subscriptions, notifications, and configuring Extensions.

    See Also