Using Loupe with Console Applications - Special Considerations
In This Topic
Accessing Session Data
You can always perform analysis right on the server using the Loupe Desktop, but in most environments you'll want to send the data to your client so you can dig deep.
Loupe Desktop will only access sessions files that are closed. Files will be automatically closed when they reach their maximum age or size (by default one day and 20MB respectively). To access a running session you will need to either use Live Sessions, restart the service to cause the session to close, or trigger the Loupe Packager from within the application to export the running session information. Loupe Desktop can display live sessions for processes running on the local computer and, when paired with a Loupe Server, can display remote live sessions
Getting Sessions from your Console Application
Using Loupe Server
We recommend you enable the Auto Send Sessions option which will in turn implicitly enable Auto Send On Error. This will automatically send to the server the latest session information from your application every time there is an error (subject to a 5 minute safety interval which prevents the server from sending frequently when a server is experiencing many errors)
If your console applications don't run for long - just a few seconds - it won't automatically send information to the server as a safety precaution (since sending takes several seconds on its own and possibly much longer in some cases). You may need to ship the Packager utility and explicitly invoke it externally or set the
SendSessionsOnExit Property to true before your application exits to force it to run.
Without Loupe Server
For more information on all of the different ways you can package up data for analysis, see Developer's Guide - Packaging and Sending Data.
See Also