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Getting Started - What's New - Version 5.1

Review Loupe 5.0 Notes

Since this is an update release you should read Getting Started - What's New - Version 5.0 for a more complete picture of the new capabilities in 5.0.

New Features in This Release

Viewing Application Users

Accelerate end-user support with the new Application Users area within View.  Select Application Users within the View menu and the list of users that recently used any application are displayed.  To find a particular user you're interested in:

View User Details

Understand problems and usage patterns for a single user by first selectiong them from the users list.  This will display the details for the user in the details pane.  The details enable a wide range of support scenarios, showing recent events & alerts that affect them.  For more information, see User's Guide - View - Application Users.

Loupe Web UI

User Notification Editor Redesign

The Notification Editor for an individual user has been redesigned to work identically to the repository-level notification editor with additional usability improvements based on customer feedback.

Improved Connection Instructions

The multi-platform connection instructions have been upgraded with integrated copy for code segments, additional scenarios, and language updates based on customer feedback.


Loupe 5.x is generally backwards compatible with 3.0 and later with the following notes:

.NET 4.7.2 Required for Desktop and Server:  Changes to Loupe Desktop and Loupe Server require .NET 4.7.2 to be installed.  There is no change to the Agent - it still works with .NET 2.0 SP1 and later.

Defects Fixed in This Release

Loupe Server

We're now sharing our internal defect tracking number as part of each resolved issue so you can associate these items with information provided by our support team.  The number indicated is assigned by our work item tracking system, so gaps in sequence typically reflect other tracked items (like user stories, features, etc.) or defects that were introduced and resolved within the release.

See Also