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    Getting Started - What's New - Version 3.6.1
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    New Features in This Release

    Loupe Desktop Log Message Search

    We've improved the search approach used within the Session Viewer to go beyond the caption field and search the extended description and details content of each log message.  Just open a session and type the search terms you want into the Search box and all matching log messages are highlighted.  You can then move back and forth between them to find the message you want.

    Enterprise Server Live Session Support

    Previously Live Sessions were only available with standard server.  Now it's possible to configure Live Sessions individually for each Enterprise repository.  The Loupe Server administrator can display and configure the Live Sessions configuration of each server and repository.  Multiple Live Sessions services can be run on a single server and the connection limits can be set for reach repository to prevent one repository from using all of the connections on a server.  The Server Admin tool ensures that each repository Live Sessions configuration uses unique ports and won't conflict if deployed to the same server.

    Changes in Live Session configuration are automatically applied across the cluster within seconds without requiring administrator access or manually restarting services.

    Enterprise Storage Server Configuration Auto-Update

    It used to be that some storage reconfiguration scenarios required the user to restart the Loupe Server Service and/or Loupe Web Site to take effect in the cluster.  We've improved the configuration change detection methodology used within Loupe Server to rapidly and safely deploy these configuration changes without requiring administrator access or manually restarting any part of the application.

    Enterprise Encryption Key Management

    Each Loupe Server uses an RSA Key pair to perform cryptographic work as part of its authentication process (between Loupe Desktop and Server) and for encrypting sensitive information in add-in configuration files and a few other items.  Historically, this key had to be exported and imported one time on each computer that was part of an Enterprise cluster for it to work correctly or subtle problems cropped up (like constantly being asked to re-authenticate, slow download of sessions, and problems saving addin configuration).  Now these keys are automatically shared within a cluster of servers by the Loupe Server Service. 

    Extended Enterprise Repository Management

    The Loupe Server Administrator now supports changing the database server, database name, and storage server for an Enterprise Repository even in the case when the repository can't be mounted. 


    Loupe 3.6.0 is backwards compatible with 3.0 and has the same constraints as 3.0 when working with older versions:

    Agent Side by Side Compatibility

    You can mix older and newer agents on the same computer, however they will be unaware of each other and will not coordinate when sending to hub, packaging, or auto send consent.  When upgrading any unsent sessions recorded by a 2.x agent will not be transferred by the newer agent.

    Review Loupe 3.6 Notes

    Since this is an update release you should read Getting Started - What's New - Version 3.6 for a more complete picture of the new capabilities since version 3.0.

    Defects Fixed In This Release


    Server Admin


    See Also