Loupe Desktop - Package Repositories
In This Topic
The best way to share data is using a Loupe Server, however when that option isn't available Loupe Session files can be transported between computers using Loupe Log Packages.
Packages can be stored anywhere that Windows can get read/write access to, including network shares and as an attachment in Microsoft Outlook or on a web page. The original package is locked as long as it is open in the Loupe Desktop. This will prevent any other user from opening the same package. When saved, the entire package is rewritten.
Outlook and web pages will typically save attachments to a local file which is then opened. This means all updates will be saved to this temporary location instead of the original package. This is consistent with how other files (such as Excel worksheets) are handled.
Packages in the Repository Explorer
Opening Packages
Packages can be opened by:
- Selecting Open Package from the File Menu.
- Right clicking on the Packages Node in the Repository Explorer and select Open... from the context menu.
- Double-clicking on a Loupe Log Package (GLP) file in the operating system to launch a new instance of the and open the package.
Saving Packages
An individual package can be saved by:
- Selecting Save Package from the File Menu with the Package selected in the Repository Explorer.
- Right click on the Package in the Repository Explorer and select Save from the context menu.
All open packages can be saved by selecting Save All from the File Menu.
Creating Packages
A new package can be created by:
- Selecting New Package from the File Menu.
- Right clicking on the Packages Node in the Repository Explorer and select New... from the context menu.
Quickly Export/Import Repositories
- From any folder in any repository you can export the entire contents of that folder (and its children, including the folder structure) into a package by right clicking on the folder and selecting Export as Package... from the context menu.
See Also