Loupe Server - Agent Configuration
Before the Loupe Server can produce any results you need to configure your application(s) to send data to it. Since the Loupe Agent is designed to work independently of the Server by default no data is sent to any server. To get information from your application to the Loupe Server:
Only the Loupe Agent can create the data files and understands the protocol for exchanging information with the Loupe Server. It can also be used stand-alone without the server. Before proceeding, add the Loupe Agent to your application following the appropriate guide for your application type.
There are a number of options outlined in
Loupe Server - Session Submission Scenarios for how to send information to your server. By far, most people turn on auto send in its default configuration. For more information see
Loupe Server - Automatically Sending Session Data.
For applications you are operating in-house (instead of selling to third parties to operate) you typically will want to enable
Live Sessions. This enables you to view log data in real time while applications are running, even when remote through a constrained bandwidth connection.