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Loupe - Log - Monitor - Resolve
Loupe / User's Guide / Loupe Server / User's Guide / Monitor / User's Guide - Monitor - Alerts
User's Guide - Monitor - Alerts

An Alert is opened each time a unique error happens in an Application Environment Service.  It reflects a single problem discovered in that service.  For example, if an error is recorded sending email from your notification service that would be grouped together with other similar errors and all presented as a single Alert.

As your application runs, additional occurrences of the error will be added to the alert which will keep track of:

Investigating Alerts

Many alerts can be resolved by looking at the details of an Alert that show an example event with the complete exception information, location in your application's source code, and other details recorded in the log with the Alert. 

If the details of one event for the Alert aren't sufficient to resolve it, switch to the Log tab to see a list of the most recent occurrences in the log.  Often, each occurrence will have some additional useful data like database keys, parameters, and other information. 

See what Lead Up to an Alert

Like in other parts of Loupe, you can pick a single log message and see all of the messages that are leading up to it.  From the Log tab on an Alert, you can select a row and then view messages leading up to this which will show you the log messages on the same server and activity that came immediately before the event.  This log view will include any log message recorded - including warnings, info, and debug messages.

View Everything about a Service

When the problem isn't clear from just the log, switch to the Investigation view.  Clicking on the name of an Application Environment Service will take you to the Investigate view.  This view defaults to showing the last hour of activity for the selected service, with a chart at the top and log data below.  You can switch the chart to show different time-series views like database query performance, error rates, and web traffic.  In the lower section you can see details for the log or event metrics to drill into activity for your service. 

For more details on how to use this view, see User's Guide - Monitor - Investigate.

Resolving Alerts

Once the underlying problem has been resolved, select the Alert from a list or by drilling into the Alert and  selecting Resolve from the list of actions.  You can optionally provide a note about how the Alert was resolved which will be recorded into the history of the Alert.

If the same error is found again after the alert was resolved, the Alert will be reopened.  As a guide to help resolve the problem in the future, you can record additional detail in the How To Fix section of an Alert.

If you don't want the alert to ever reopen - typically because it's caused by an application defect that doesn't need any additional operational correction or it's an error that is automatically corrected or addressed - you can Suppress an alert.  This will keep it from being reopened even if it happened again.


See Also