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    Loupe Server Administration - Upgrading to a New Version
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     Upgrading Standard Edition

    Since Standard Edition runs on a single server and hosts a single repository the upgrade process is simpler than Enterprise Edition.

    Before you Upgrade

    • Confirm System Requirements.  New versions may change dependency versions.  Confirm the version of SQL Server and Elasticsearch (if you have configured Elasticsearch)
    • Be sure you have appropriate credentials to upgrade the database.  The database upgrade will run using either the SQL Credentials previously provided or, if Integrated Authentication was specified, the user that is logged into the server performing the upgrade.  DBO access to the database is recommended as schema, data, and permissions changes may be done during the upgrade.
    • If you are using Integrated Authentication to talk to the database or have changed the user the Loupe Service runs as you will need to know the credentials for this user as the identity of the Loupe Service is automatically reset whenever an installation is run.

    Performing the Upgrade

    You can either uninstall the existing Loupe Server version and then install the latest version or run the latest version which will do an automatic uninstallation.  No data is removed during uninstallation.

    The installation will ask the same questions as a new installation including whether or not to set up the web site.  For production systems we recommend selecting the option to manually configure the web site so that the site configuration isn't reset on any subsequent upgrade.

    Once the installation completes it will launch the Loupe Server Administrator.  The Server Administrator will proceed to verify the repository and perform any database upgrades necessary.  Watch for status updates in the lower left of the Server Administrator while it runs.  Once it completes it will show the normal administration options for the repository (such as Users and storage options).

    Verifying the Upgrade

    The Loupe Server Administrator will automatically verify the upgrade once it completes performing any database upgrades.  If there are any problems it will display a warning message indicating what the issue is and likely steps to resolve.  The most common issues are:

    • Loupe Service Won't Start: The main reason it won't start will be because it can't contact the database.  Verify the credentials the service is running with are valid for accessing the database.
    • Web Site is Unreachable: If you previously let the installation create the web site any subsequent customizations you performed were removed by the upgrade.  For example, host header settings, IP Address restrictions, and SSL configuration.  Run the installation selecting the option to configure the site manually and then configure these items.  Subsequent upgrades will then leave the site alone.

    You can always contact Gibraltar Software Support for any assistance in upgrading and troubleshooting any issues.  We're here to help!

    How Long with the Upgrade Take?

    It only takes a few minutes to install the latest version of Loupe.  However, before the Loupe Server can be operational any database upgrades will need to be performed.  Depending on the complexity of the upgrade and amount of data in the repository along with other factors like SQL Server performance this may be very quick or take several hours.  The server will automatically stay in Maintenance mode until the database upgrade is completed and then will go online automatically.

    What Happens to Agents during the Upgrade?

    Any application that would normally submit data to your Loupe server will buffer it locally until the upgrade is complete.  The Agent has default size limits for the maximum amount of data to buffer locally.  Once the Loupe Server is upgraded session data should start flowing back quickly with all buffered data typically sent within an hour.  There is no performance impact to the client applications while the server is offline.

     Upgrading Enterprise Edition

    Enterprise Edition can run across multiple servers and supports multiple repositories, each of which will need to be upgraded.

    Before you Upgrade

    • Loupe Service Credentials: You will need to know the credentials used by the Loupe Service as the identity of the Windows service is automatically reset whenever an installation is run.  In nearly all cases this will be an alternate domain user that has access to the file storage and databases used by Loupe.
    • All servers sharing the same Loupe Management database will need to be upgraded to the same version.

    Performing the Upgrade

    For each server, you can either uninstall the existing Loupe Server version and then install the latest version or run the latest version which will do an automatic uninstallation.  No data is removed during uninstallation.

    The installation will ask the same questions as a new installation including whether or not to set up the web site. 

    For production systems we recommend selecting the option to manually configure the web site so that the site configuration isn't reset on any subsequent upgrade.

    Once the installation completes it will launch the Loupe Server Administrator.  The Server Administrator will proceed to verify the repository and perform any database upgrades necessary.  Watch for status updates in the lower left of the Server Administrator while it runs.  Once it completes it will show the normal administration options for the repository (such as Users and storage options).

    1. Stop All Servers being Upgraded:  Every server that shares the same management database will need to have Loupe stopped.  This includes the Loupe Service (Windows Service) and the web site(s) referencing Loupe. 
    2. Upgrade One Server that does Session Analysis: Database upgrades are performed by the Loupe Service so select one that performs session analysis (since not all Loupe Services have to be enabled to perform all tasks) and upgrade it.  Be sure to reset the Loupe Service credentials after the upgrade to their correct network user before starting the service.  It's recommended that only one Loupe Service be running until all databases have been upgraded.
    3. Upgrade Each Web Server:  Each web server can be upgraded and the web sites started.  As each repository is upgraded by the Loupe Service it is then made available in the web UI and will start receiving data. 
    4. Upgrade Remaining Servers: Any server not previously upgraded (used exclusively for the Loupe Service) can now be upgraded.  Once all repositories have been upgraded additional Loupe Services that perform session analysis can be started.

    You can always contact Gibraltar Software Support for any assistance in upgrading and troubleshooting any issues.  We're here to help!

    How Long with the Upgrade Take?

    It only takes a few minutes to install the latest version of Loupe.  However, before the Loupe Server can be operational any database upgrades will need to be performed.  Depending on the complexity of the upgrade and amount of data in the repository along with other factors like SQL Server performance this may be very quick or take several hours.  Each repository will automatically stay in Maintenance mode until the database upgrade is completed and then will go online automatically.

    What Happens to Agents during the Upgrade?

    Any application that would normally submit data to your Loupe server will buffer it locally until the upgrade is complete and the repository comes out of maintenance.  The Agent has default size limits for the maximum amount of data to buffer locally.  Once the Loupe Server is upgraded session data should start flowing back quickly with all buffered data typically sent within an hour.  There is no performance impact to the client applications while the server is offline.