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    Getting Started - What's New - Version 4.9
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    New Features in This Release

    Microsoft Teams Support

    Loupe Server can now send notifications to Microsoft Teams - so you can have posts show up in a Teams Channel whenever an issue is opened, a new error occurs, a crashed session is available or more.  This is a great way of giving your team insight into what's happening with your application without having to keep a browser logged into Loupe all day!  For more information, see Loupe Server - Notifications.

    Google Hangouts Chat Support 

    If your team uses Google Hangouts Chat you can have messages show up in a chat room whenever an issue is opened, a new error occurs, a crashed session is available or more.  This is a great way of giving your team insight into what's happening with your application without having to keep a browser logged into Loupe all day!  For more information, see Loupe Server - Notifications.

    Full TLS 1.2 Support

    Updates to Loupe Server, Desktop & Agent extend TLS 1.2 support to cover both web traffic between the components and Live Sessions which previously would not use anything higher than TLS 1.0.

    Application Version Adoption to Excel

    Using Loupe Server, you can now export details of who has and hasn't adopted a specific application version to Microsoft Excel for external use.


    Loupe 4.x is generally backwards compatible with 3.0 with the following notes:

    .NET 4.5 Required for Desktop and Server:  Changes to Loupe Desktop and Loupe Server require .NET 4.5 to be installed.  There is no change to the Agent - it still works with .NET 2.0 SP1 and later.

    Defects Fixed in This Release

    Loupe 4.9 resolved the following issues.




    See Also