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Loupe / User's Guide / Loupe Server / Loupe Self-Hosted / Configuration Options / Loupe Server Administration - Configuration - Email
In This Topic
    Loupe Server Administration - Configuration - Email
    In This Topic

    The email section configures the Loupe Server so it can send email notifications, password reset requests, and invitations.  The available options are: 

    Option Description Default Value Required
    server The full DNS name of the SMTP server "" false
    user Optional.  The user to authenticate to the server with.  If provided a password is required "" false
    password Optional.  The password to authenticate to the server with.  Only used if a user is provided. "" false
    port Optional.  The TCP/IP port to connect to the server on.  If not specified the default (25) will be used.  Set to zero to use the default 0 false
    useSsl When true any connection to the email server will be encrypted with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) false false
    maxMessageSize Optional. The maximum size an email message can be when submitted to this server. If not specified then 10MB will be assumed. 10 false

    Using the Server.Config

    The Server.Config file is an XML formatted file with a section for email. 

    Copy Code
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <email server="" />

    Using Environment Variables

    To set the configuration through environment variables (like for hosting in an Azure App Service), the configuration items use the format:


    For example, to set the SMTP server use Loupe__Server__Email__Server