Getting Started - What's New - Version 3.5.1
In This Topic
Loupe 3.5.1 is fully backwards compatible with 3.0 and has the same constraints as 3.0 when working with older versions:
- Agent: Compatible with Server & Desktop versions 3.0 and later.
- Server: Fully backwards compatible with older Agents and Loupe Desktops, any version.
- Desktop: Compatible with Server versions 3.0 and later. Compatible with any version of Agent.
Agent Side by Side Compatibility
You can mix older and newer agents on the same computer, however they will be unaware of each other and will not coordinate when sending to hub, packaging, or auto send consent. When upgrading any unsent sessions recorded by a 2.x agent will not be transferred by the newer agent.
Agent Configuration Changes
In response to customer requests two configuration changes have been made in the Agent:
- Network Viewer Enabled by Default: Instead of being disabled by default, network viewing is enabled for local viewers only by default. This simplifies configuration when using the new local Live Sessions capability. The network viewer can still be disabled, and use of a remote viewer still requires explicit configuration. For more information see Developer's Guide - Live Session Configuration.
- Auto-send Startup Delay Shortened: While testing, users have reported confusion as to why sessions didn't show up more quickly when starting and stopping applications. The delay until sessions are automatically sent to the server after the Agent is started has been reduced to five seconds.
Loupe Desktop and Loupe Server Exclusive Installation
The Loupe Desktop and Loupe Server can only have a single version installed on a given operating system.
New Features In This Release
Review Loupe 3.5 Notes
Since 3.5.1 is an update release you should read Getting Started - What's New - Version 3.5 for a more complete picture of the new capabilities since version 3.0.
Loupe Viewer
A new, redistributable viewer is part of this release. In the Redist directory of the SDK you can find LoupeViewer.exe, a single file that you can add to your application. Run it on any computer to view the real time log data of sessions running on that computer.
PostSharp 3.0 Support
The PostSharp libraries have been updated with new assemblies for PostSharp 3.0. The various assemblies have been renamed to enable PostSharp 2.0, 2.1, and 3.0 to be used side-by-side in the same application.
Loupe Server Enhancements
- Home Link from any dashboard will always go back to the All Applications dashboard.
- All Applications Dashboard rapidly adds initial metrics for new applications.
- Issue Detail display is notably faster for large databases
Loupe Desktop Enhancements
- You can remove local repositories from within Loupe Desktop.
Licensing In This Release
As part of the licensing changes rolled out in Loupe 3.5 this release requires that a user license key be registered on the server (since it is no longer used with Loupe Desktop). Every Loupe Server licensee has been issued a Loupe Server User license for this purpose. An official email was sent to the license holder and the license is also available in the Support - My Profile and Licenses section of the Gibraltar Software web site.
You will be prompted to add the key by the Server Administrator at the end of the installation. Without the key the Loupe Server will restrict access to just one user account.
Defects Fixed In This Release
- Fixed: Upgrading from Gibraltar Hub 3.0.1 or earlier using VistaDB as the index database may fail.
- Fixed: All Applications Favorite Stars don't gray out when unchecked
- Fixed: All Applications individual metrics format incorrectly for large numbers
- Fixed: Creating an Issue can return "Potentially Dangerous Result" when issue text includes unsafe characters.
- Fixed: Future dated session data causes invalid Usage chart displays.
- Fixed: Usage Charts display the wrong date for non-UTC time zones.
- Fixed: Issue name & event caption break grid if they include html-escaped characters.
- Fixed: Live Issue Dashboard includes resolved & suppressed issues.
- Fixed: Multiple combo boxes show HTML-escaped values.
- Fixed: Application Events with latest occurrence information without source code information will not display.
- Fixed: Live Dashboard timestamps are not showing the correct UTC information for positive UTC offsets.
- Fixed: Unable to change selected time zone on the user profile page.
- Fixed: Unable to set promotion level on application versions.
- Fixed: Server live sessions would always display as "Server Not Available" when re-displaying the main window after it had been closed the first time.
- Fixed: Deleting local repositories from disk doesn't prevent them from being recreated by Loupe Desktop the next time it runs.
- Fixed: User Repositories took an unusual amount of time to display if there were certain missing elements in the index.
Known Issues in This Release
- Gemini Defect Tracking Integration: We are working with Countersoft to resolve an issue that prevents creating new defects using the Gemini defect tracking integration.
See Also