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    Getting Started - What's New - Version 4.10
    In This Topic

    New Features in This Release

    Loupe Desktop Session Search/Filter on Details

    The free-text session search and filter now checks the individual Details field of each log message as well as the caption/description/exception information.

    Loupe Server Session Lists Performance & Filter Improvements

    The Latest Session and application-level Session displays now remember the last filter options set during the current user session.  This means if a user drills into a session from a sessions view and navigates around, then returns to that session view it will remember the most recent filters they set.  This improves several user flows where users are moving in and out of the same session list during an investigation.  The API methods that support these views have been optimized with new database indexes to significantly reduce database load and improve response time.

    Loupe Server Docker Compatibility

    It's now possible to containerize Loupe Server as a Windows container.  Loupe Server now supports configuration from environment variables using Loupe__Server__[Section]__[Property].  Note this is two underscores (_) in a row as a delimiter, matching the behavior of .NET Core.  To containerize, you will need to contact Gibraltar Software for a license key file for portable licensing.


    Loupe 4.x is generally backwards compatible with 3.0 with the following notes:

    .NET 4.5 Required for Desktop and Server:  Changes to Loupe Desktop and Loupe Server require .NET 4.5 to be installed.  There is no change to the Agent - it still works with .NET 2.0 SP1 and later.

    Defects Fixed in This Release

    This update to Loupe 4.10 fixes the following issues



    Defects Fixed in Update 2

    This update to Loupe 4.10 fixes the following issues



    Defects Fixed in Update 1

    This update to Loupe 4.10 fixes the following issues.




    Defects Fixed in 4.10

    Loupe 4.10 resolved the following issues.



    See Also