Developer's Guide - Agent Configuration Common Scenarios
The Loupe Agent has extensive configuration options to tune nearly all aspects of its behavior. Wherever possible, sensible defaults have been chosen to minimize the amount of configuration that's necessary in normal operation. That said, there are a few common configurations that occur in typical Loupe deployments
Send Data to A Loupe Service Account
Typical Client Application
<server useGibraltarService="true" customerName="YourLoupeServiceName" autoSendSessions="true"
sendAllApplications="true" purgeSentSessions="false" />
This configuration indicates session data should be sent to a Loupe Service account (hosted on our SaaS platform). You'll need to enter the name you gave your Loupe Service when you set it up (this is not your email address or user name - it's the name of the subscription you created). AutoSendSessions, sendAllApplications, and purgeSentSessions work together to say sessions data should be sent automatically in the background as the application runs for any application in the same product as the running application. Once session data is confirmed by the server it will still be left locally.
Typical Server Application
<server useGibraltarService="true" customerName="YourLoupeServiceName" autoSendSessions="true"
sendAllApplications="true" purgeSentSessions="false" />
<networkViewer allowRemoteClients="true" />
This configuration indicates session data should be sent to a Loupe Service account (hosted on our SaaS platform). You'll need to enter the name you gave your Loupe Service when you set it up (this is not your email address or user name - it's the name of the subscription you created). AutoSendSessions, sendAllApplications, and purgeSentSessions work together to say sessions data should be sent automatically in the background as the application runs for any application in the same product as the running application. Once session data is confirmed by the server it will still be left locally.
Since this is a server application, Live Sessions is enabled for remote clients which will relay through the server.
Send Data to A Loupe Server
Typical Client Application
<server server="" useSsl="true" autoSendSessions="true"
sendAllApplications="true" purgeSentSessions="false" />
This configuration indicates session data should be sent to the server "" (you'd need to substitute the real DNS name of your server) using ssl. AutoSendSessions, sendAllApplications, and purgeSentSessions work together to say sessions data should be sent automatically in the background as the application runs for any application in the same product as the running application. Once session data is confirmed by the server it will still be left locally.
Typical Server Application
<server server="" useSsl="true" autoSendSessions="true"
sendAllApplications="true" purgeSentSessions="false" />
<networkViewer allowRemoteClients="true" />
This configuration indicates session data should be sent to the server "" (you'd need to substitute the real DNS name of your server) using ssl. AutoSendSessions, sendAllApplications, and purgeSentSessions work together to say sessions data should be sent automatically in the background as the application runs for any application in the same product as the running application. Once session data is confirmed by the server it will still be left locally.
Since this is a server application, Live Sessions is enabled for remote clients which will relay through the server.
Sending to an Enterprise Edition Server
<server server="" useSsl="true" repository="uniqueRepositoryName" autoSendSessions="true"
sendAllApplications="true" purgeSentSessions="false" />
<networkViewer allowRemoteClients="true" />
This configuration indicates session data should be sent to the repository "uniqueRepoistoryName" hosted on the cluster "" (you'd need to substitute the real DNS name of your cluster) using ssl. AutoSendSessions, sendAllApplications, and purgeSentSessions work together to say sessions data should be sent automatically in the background as the application runs for any application in the same product as the running application. Once session data is confirmed by the server it will still be left locally.
Since this is a server application, Live Sessions is enabled for remote clients which will relay through the server.
Manually Configure Application Metadata
The Loupe Agent attempts to determine metadata by inspecting the running application - finding the product, application, version, and other information. In some cases it can't determine it (such as in a web application) or you may want to override what it detects.
Specifying the Product, Application and Version
<publisher productName="Microsoft Office" applicationName="Outlook" applicationVersion="" />
This is common for web applications where the Agent can't determine product, application, or version. Product names should be used to group common executables together - like multiple tiers of a distributed application or different executables within the same product.
Specifying an Environment and Promotion Level
These values are useful for categorizing sessions on the server and within Loupe Desktop. Environment is typically used to describe the compute environment or location where the application is being run. Promotion Level is useful when you have strongly separated QA, Certification, Test, or Production areas. These values can also be configured on the server if necessary.
<publisher environmentName="Azure" promotionLevelName="Production" />
In this scenario the environment has been set to Azure and the promotion level to Production. This can be done with or without specifying the product, application, and version.
Changing Data Collected by the Agent
Turning Off Performance Counters
There are some scenarios - such as when you absolutely have to minimize the size of log files or when you are operating in partial trust environments - where you will want to turn off the collection of performance counters. The Loupe Agent groups performance counters by the type of data that is collected, presenting a modest number of groups that can be enabled or disabled.
<listener enableDiskPerformance="false" enableMemoryPerformance="false" enableNetworkPerformance="false"
enableProcessPerformance="false" enableSystemPerformance="false" />
In this scenario, all performance counters have been disabled by disabling all of the various performance groups.
Disable Trace and Console Capture
When you are duplicating log data to Trace and the Console you will want to disable the collection of that information into the Loupe Agent as it only adds duplicate information, typically in a less useful format.
<listener autoTraceRegistration="false" enableConsole="false" />
In this scenario automatic trace registration has been disabled which will keep the agent from automatically registering itself and console data collection is also disabled. If you manually register the Loupe trace listener you will still get trace messages.