Getting Started - What's New - Version 3.5.6
In This Topic
Loupe 3.5.6 is backwards compatible with 3.0 and has the same constraints as 3.0 when working with older versions:
- Agent: Compatible with Server & Desktop versions 3.0 and later.
- Server: Fully backwards compatible with older Agents and Loupe Desktops, any version.
- Desktop: Compatible with Server versions 3.0 and later. Compatible with any version of Agent.
Agent Side by Side Compatibility
You can mix older and newer agents on the same computer, however they will be unaware of each other and will not coordinate when sending to hub, packaging, or auto send consent. When upgrading any unsent sessions recorded by a 2.x agent will not be transferred by the newer agent.
New Features In This Release
Compatible with SQL Azure
Loupe Server can now use SQL Azure as the database, allowing it to be hosted on an Azure Windows Virtual Machine (VM) running against a SQL Azure database.
Notification Emails Include Latest Session Information
Additional session information about the most recent occurrence of any application event or issue has been incorporated into the notification emails so you can see the environment, promotion level, and computer without having to review the instance online.
Review Loupe 3.5 Notes
Since this is an update release you should read Getting Started - What's New - Version 3.5 for a more complete picture of the new capabilities since version 3.0.
Defects Fixed In This Release
- Fixed: High processor utilization during auto send with large numbers of local logs
- Fixed: Reports Windows 8.1 is an unknown version.
- Fixed: Session summary charts over counts sessions as session updates arrive.
- Fixed: Live Sessions doesn't reconnect to server when server configuration is changed.
- Fixed: Main Window displays very slowly when configured to connect to the server and the server isn't available.
- Fixed: Certain grid filtering actions may cause a licensing dialog for a third-party control to display and the app to exit.
- Fixed: Setting a notification event with an exact match on a version fails to save correctly.
- Fixed: Server uses excessive memory when handling large sessions in some scenarios
- Fixed: Under memory stress the service may throw a Null Reference Exception when indexing documents.
- Fixed: Web site redirects from HTTPS to HTTP after login on an SSL-enabled site.
- Fixed: Unhandled exception on home page when hosted in a subdirectory.
- Fixed: Live event dashboards report error when there are no events to display.
- Fixed: Usage display doesn't respect all filters that can be set in the filters dialog