The entire Loupe Web UI has been rebuilt to break functionality into modules built around key user workflows:
Previously, you would select an application and then within the application you would pick a functional area from the top navigation (Issues, Usage, Application). Now, you select a module first based on what you want to do and then can work across all applications or pick an application to narrow your focus.
Admin functionality is now in Settings accessible from the lower left.
The web UI now supports a dual view with a Main view on the left and then a Detail view that displays on the right for wider screens and as an overlay on smaller screens. When selecting a navigation link in the Main view it shows in the Detail view and when selecting a navigation link in the Detail view it will drill down in the Detail view.
This UI layout is designed to leverage the wide screens that are common on today's computers while preserving compatibility down to an iPad width.
The View module shows the list of all sessions from the server with filtering and search options so you can quickly find the session you're interested in. This is a new module based on user feedback for key use cases that users relied on Loupe Desktop for. Loupe now tracks what sessions each user viewed recently and watched sessions so they can be quickly referred back to.
Key Application Metrics can now be viewed in the Web UI for sessions if the session is indexed as part of an Application Environment for Loupe Monitor.
The Monitor module is entirely new in Loupe 5. It is designed for Operations teams that run the application they develop. It uses the same data collected by the Loupe Agent but groups it based on a specific application running in an environment. For example, it lets you distinctly track an application running in production from it running in test. It fills the role played by a traditional APM product, but integrated with the same data and works with the Issue management functionality Loupe has had since version 3.
To use Loupe Monitor, you will need to define an Application Environment and then use the related Applicaiton Key to identify your application to the Loupe Server.
The Event & Issue functionality of Loupe has been moved into the Resolve module. Some new features have been added like the ability to watch events and issues (even when you're not assigned to them). Common lists support additional filter options and refresh options.
Some functionality has temporarily been removed from Loupe 5. In particular, the previous Usage tab within an Application doesn't have any equivalent in V5. Notably, the list of Users by Application and Computers by Application isn't currently available in the system. The workaround is to use the search functionality in the top navigation and find the item you are looking for in the Users or Computers tab.