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Developer's Guide - Server Configuration
In This Topic

The Server section configures an agent to communicate with a Loupe Server.  With it you can both provide the information necessary to connect to the server and whether you want sessions to be sent automatically in the background (a capability unique to the Agent / Server connection).

Configuration Type Path
App.Config File (xml) gibraltar.server
Environment Variable Prefix Loupe__Server
Option Description Default Value Required
enabled True by default, disables server communication when false. true false
useGibraltarService When true, specifies that the Loupe Service should be used instead of a private Server. false false
customerName The unique customer name when using the Loupe Service.  Does not apply when useGibraltarService is false. "" false
server The full DNS name of the server where the Server is located. Only applies to a private Server. "" false
useSsl Indicates if the connection should be encrypted with SSL. Only applies to a private Server. false false
port An optional port number override for the server. Not required if the port is the traditional port (80 or 443). Only applies to a private Server. 0 false
applicationBaseDirectory The virtual directory on the host for the private Server. Only applies to a private Server. "" false
repository The specific repository on the server to send the session to.  Only applies to a private Server running Enterprise Edition. "" false
autoSendSessions Indicates whether to automatically send session data to the server in the background. false false
autoSendOnError Indicates whether to automatically send data to the server when error or critical messages are logged. true false
sendAllApplications Indicates whether to send data about all applications for this product to the server or just the current application. false false
purgeSentSessions Indicates whether to remove sessions that have been sent from the local repository once confirmed by the server. false false


Server Configuration
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    <sectionGroup name="gibraltar">
      <section name="server" type="Gibraltar.Agent.ServerElement, Gibraltar.Agent" />
    <server enabled="true" useGibraltarService="true" customerName="Your Loupe Service Name" autoSendSessions="true" sendAllApplications="true" />


Environment Configuration
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Loupe__Server__CustomerName=Your Loupe Service Name
See Also