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    Getting Started - What's New - Version 4.7
    In This Topic

    New Features in This Release

    Loupe Desktop Improvements

    Session Size and Time Selector

    All sessions now go through this dialog when they are large or long, not just server sessions.  This addresses problems opening very large sessions stored locally on a computer.

    Loupe Server Improvements

    Application User Remove

    To help our customers support GDPR it's possible to remove a single application user's information from the server's data.  Once this has been done and any session data files containing the user age out the user will have completely disappeared from the server.  If they re-appear later they will be treated as a new user.

    If the application user is the primary user for a session (such as when they run a desktop application) that information is anonymized on the session summary.

    Download Session Data from Server

    The server's session data files can be downloaded as a package from the Session view on the web UI.  This is particularly handy for quickly exporting a session to associate with an external defect tracking system or other archive.

    Server Usage Display

    A new Usage display has been added to the Administration area of the web UI.  This shows:

    This view is designed to help administrators understand how much data they are presently storing given their repository limits and what application(s) are primarily responsible for this usage.

    Elasticsearch for Full Text Indexing

    For substantially better performance and reliability the built-in full text index can be replaced with Elasticsearch in Loupe Server Enterprise Edition installations.  Data will be automatically migrated from the repository SQL database to this index once configured.

    Upgrading Loupe Server

    For details on how to upgrade your on-premises Loupe Server installation see Loupe Server Administration - Upgrading to a New Version.

    Loupe Agent Improvements

    Alternate Text Log Output

    An alternate log file can be enabled that is written in parallel to the main session data file.  It is an uncompressed CSV-formatted file with the log messages.  This file is intended for environments where there is a requirement for a local text copy of the log data for import into another system.  It is disabled by default.


    Loupe 4.x is generally backwards compatible with 3.0 with the following notes:

    .NET 4.5 Required for Desktop and Server:  Changes to Loupe Desktop and Loupe Server require .NET 4.5 to be installed.  There is no change to the Agent - it still works with .NET 2.0 SP1 and later.

    Defects Fixed in This Release

    This update to Loupe 4.7 resolved the following issues.



    Defects Fixed In 4.7.10

    The original release version of 4.7 resolved the following issues.




    See Also