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Loupe / Developer's Guide / For .NET Framework / For ASP.NET MVC / Agent Configuration / Through the Web.Config file / Developer's Guide - Listener Configuration
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Developer's Guide - Listener Configuration
In This Topic

The listener section adjusts the configuration of the Loupe .NET Listener that captures information directly from the .NET runtime.  

Settings that do not apply to a particular application type (for example WinForms settings for an ASP.NET application) will be safely disabled so it is not necessary to explicitly configure them this way.

Configuration Type Path
App.Config File (xml) gibraltar.listener
Environment Variable Prefix Loupe__Listener

Option Description Default Value Required
autoTraceRegistration When true, Loupe will register its trace listener with the built-in .NET Trace logging system as soon as Loupe is accessed for any reason.  This is useful when directly referencing Loupe in application code by eliminating the need to explicitly add the Loupe trace listener to the application configuration file.  This will not interfere with registering the trace listener manually, either through code or through the application configuration file. true false
catchApplicationExceptions When true, any unhandled exceptions in a Windows Forms (WinForms) application will be caught and handled by the Agent, preventing the application from crashing.  If reportErrorsToUser is true a dialog will be displayed informing the user of the problem and giving them some options (see Loupe Error Manager for more information). true false
catchUnhandledExceptions When true, any unhandled exceptions (which are always fatal) will be recorded by the Agent before the application exits.  true false
enableAssemblyEvents When true, assembly load events will be captured and extended information recorded about each assembly. true false
enableConsole When true, anything written to the console standard out or error out will be appended to the log.  These are identified as the console log system and displayed in a distinct section of the viewer. true false
enableAssemblyLoadFailureEvents When true, CLR events related to assembly resolution failures will be logged automatically. false false
enableDiskPerformance When true, disk-specific performance counters will be captured for each fixed volume (e.g. hard disk) in the system. true false
enableMemoryPerformance When true, extended .NET memory utilization information will be automatically captured false false
enableNetworkPerformance When true, network-specific performance counters will be captured for each network interface in the system. true false
enableNetworkEvents When true, network connection events (such as network link state and IP configuration changes) will be automatically recorded. true false
enablePowerEvents When true, power events (such as switching to or from battery power, battery discharge or charge events) will be automatically recorded. true false
enableProcessPerformance When true, process-specific performance counters (including basic memory utilization information) will be automatically recorded. true false
enableSystemPerformance When true, system performance counters will be automatically recorded. true false
enableUserEvents When true, user events (such as changing display settings, switching users, and other user environment changes) will be automatically recorded. true false
endSessionOnTraceClose When true, if the trace listener is registered and receives a Trace.Close call it will interpret it as a request to successfully end the Loupe Session.  This is generally good behavior, however can cause a loss in logging performance if the Trace system is shutdown well prior to the end of the session.  true false
reportErrorsToUser When true, exceptions handled automatically by the Agent will be reported to the user by the Loupe Error Manager.  Applies to Windows Forms applications only. true false


Listener Configuration
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    <sectionGroup name="gibraltar">
      <section name="listener" type="Gibraltar.Agent.ListenerElement, Gibraltar.Agent" />
    <listener enableDiskPerformance="false" enableMemoryPerformance="false" enableNetworkPerformance="false" />


Environment Configuration
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See Also