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    Loupe Viewer - Introduction
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    What Is It?

    The Loupe Viewer is a lightweight, redistributable application that can display the live view of any Loupe-enabled application running on the local computer.

    Once started, it displays the list of active local sessions.

    You can display the live log information by double-clicking on the session.

    Viewing the Latest Application

    Whenever a new application starts and Loupe Viewer is running you'll see a notification display.  Just click on this to immediately start viewing the log stream from that application.

    Can I Redistribute It?

    Yes, the Loupe Viewer is free to redistribute.  All you have to do is ship the single 2MB LoupeViewer.exe file.

    What about Viewing Saved Log Data?

    When you want to view sessions that have already closed you'll need the free Loupe Desktop.  It's not meant for redistribution with your application like the Loupe Viewer is, but it is still free and once installed lets you view the full contents of each log file.

    See Also