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    Getting Started - What's New - Version 5.0.37
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    Review Loupe 5.0 Notes

    Since this is an update release you should read Getting Started - What's New - Version 5.0 for a more complete picture of the new capabilities in 5.0.

    New Features in This Release

    Loupe Web UI

    Loupe View - Default Session Lists

    We've added three default filtered lists of sessions to save time including:

    These make it easy for you to go back and find a session you'd recently looked at or one you're interested in keeping tabs on.


    Loupe 5.x is generally backwards compatible with 3.0 and later with the following notes:

    .NET 4.7.2 Required for Desktop and Server:  Changes to Loupe Desktop and Loupe Server require .NET 4.7.2 to be installed.  There is no change to the Agent - it still works with .NET 2.0 SP1 and later.

    Defects Fixed in This Release

    Loupe Server


    See Also