Getting Started - What's New - Version 5.0.37
Review Loupe 5.0 Notes
Since this is an update release you should read Getting Started - What's New - Version 5.0 for a more complete picture of the new capabilities in 5.0.
New Features in This Release
Loupe Web UI
Loupe View - Default Session Lists
We've added three default filtered lists of sessions to save time including:
- New: Sessions that have never been opened and had their contents viewed.
- Recent: Sessions you've viewed recently in Loupe Desktop or Loupe Server.
- Watched: Sessions you've selected to watch by clicking on the star in the upper right of the session.
These make it easy for you to go back and find a session you'd recently looked at or one you're interested in keeping tabs on.
Loupe 5.x is generally backwards compatible with 3.0 and later with the following notes:
- Agent: Requires Server version 4.0 and Desktop 4.0.
- Server: Fully backwards compatible with Agents 3.0 and later. Loupe Monitor requires a Loupe 5 Agent.
- Desktop: Compatible with Server versions 3.7.0 and later. Compatible with any version of Agent.
.NET 4.7.2 Required for Desktop and Server: Changes to Loupe Desktop and Loupe Server require .NET 4.7.2 to be installed. There is no change to the Agent - it still works with .NET 2.0 SP1 and later.
Defects Fixed in This Release
Loupe Server
- Fixed: Module navigation doesn't respond to clicks in the background of the module button.
- Fixed: Time range selector built-in ranges include current interval when they shouldn't.
- Fixed: Detail screens without any actions will show whatever the actions for the previously selected screen were.
- Fixed: Sizing issues in main view caused by expanded left navigation.
- Fixed: View module: Computer details fail to display when navigating from session.
- Fixed: View module: Session tab selection bar is lost when shifting to another session that doesn't have the currently selected tab.
- Fixed: View module: Doesn't respect interval setting for metrics, potentially causing metrics to fail to display.
- Fixed: View module: Show Advanced Filters resets existing filter settings.
- Fixed: Monitor module: When viewing log message in a new window, similar messages won't display.
- Fixed: View module: Session Web Controller Hits display shows "No metric data available" and no loading bar while loading initial data.
- Fixed: Resolve module: Resolve Event from list causes the list to fail due to a duplicate data error.
- Fixed: Resolve module: Invite user close button doesn't close dialog.
- Fixed: Resolve module: Edit analysis rule Application List only shows application name, not product and isn't sorted.
- Fixed: Resolve module: Related Events on Event doesn't reload when switching to a new event.
- Fixed: Settings Module: Deactivated user doesn't have a Reactivate button.
- Fixed: Settings Module: Invite User not available for a new user to a repository when the user already has an account in the cluster.
- Fixed: Settings Module: Use Html Email label not visible when adding user through invitation.