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    Getting Started - What's New - Version 3.0
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    New File Format: The log files and packages created by this version are not compatible with older Servers or Loupe Desktops.

    Side by Side Compatibility

    You can mix older and newer agents on the same computer, however they will be unaware of each other and will not coordinate when sending to hub, packaging, or auto send consent.  When upgrading any unsent sessions recorded by a 2.x agent will not be transferred by the newer agent.

    New Features In This Release

    Network Live View

    You can now view log data in real time over a network connection between Agent & Loupe Desktop.  This requires all three components be up to date: Agent, Server, and Loupe Desktop.  Since it requires an updated Server to work this isn't available with the Loupe Service at this time.

    For more information, see Reference - Live Sessions.

    Categorize Sessions by Environment and Promotion Level

    You can now pass an environment name (e.g. your hosting company, a facility name, or some other scheme you use for naming your internal computing environments) or a promotion level (e.g. internal, certification, production) if either of those fit for you.  Both fields can be used at the same time, or you can leave them blank if they don't apply to your situation.

    For more information, see Reference - Session Categorization.

    Session File Compression

    The compression approach used for session files has been dramatically improved with the average file approximately one third the size of the same data in a Loupe 2.0 data file.

    Agent Scalability

    A number of updates have been done to improve the scalability of Agent with larger and longer sessions.  This includes:

    Loupe Desktop Scalability

    A number of updates have been done to improve the ability to use Loupe Desktop with larger sessions and more sessions.  This includes:

    Server Synchronization Options

    You can now configure if you want Loupe Desktop to automatically download all session data (previously the only option), just download session summaries or not download anything until prompted.  When set to just download session summaries the session detail will be automatically retrieved if you open a session to view it.  This can tremendously reduce the disk space and time required to get in sync with the hub.  This configuration option is under the new Server menu.

    Download Sessions on Demand

    Instead of having to wait for sessions to download in order you can pick individual session(s) to download manually.  Opening a session will download it immediately, and you can right-click in the sessions grid and select Download to retrieve specific sessions in the background. 

    Session Analysis

    You can perform a range of analysis on the session summary information using the new Analyze Sessions view.  For example, you can find the number of sessions by version for each application for each month in the past year.  Alternately, you can look at the change in OS usage over time or any of another of other unique analysis.  For more information, see Loupe Desktop - Analyze Sessions.

    Metric Graphing

    Session metric graphing has been rewritten to offer similar capabilities to metric charting.  You can now:

    Server Support for SQL Server

    You can now use SQL Server as the hub index database instead of the embedded database that is used by default.  This can be configured in the Loupe Server Administration tool.  At this time, there is no data migration from the embedded database to SQL Server so reconfiguring to use SQL Server will effectively reset the entire repository.  For more information on how to set up your Server to use SQL Server, contact Gibraltar Software Support.

    Support for PostSharp 2.1

    The PostSharp integration for Loupe has been upgraded to work with PostSharp 2.1 as well as 2.0.  To use the aspects provided with this release you will need to install PostSharp 2.1, which is included in the SDK folders.

    Support for MONO

    The Agent in this release has been verified to work under some versions of MONO (2.4.2 and later) on Linux.  It may work for other versions of MONO and on other operating systems.  The final release of 3.0 is expected to work with MONO 2.4.2 and later under Linux and MacOS.

    Support for Computers with only .NET 4.0 installed

    The Loupe agent has always worked with the .NET 4.0 runtime due to the built-in support for hosting .NET 2.0 assemblies in .NET 4.0.  However, the Loupe Packager is a different issue since it creates its own process.  Accordingly, if the Packager was used on a computer with just .NET 4.0 installed it would fail to start.  As of Loupe 3.0, two versions of Packager are provided - one targeting .NET 2.0 for use with .NET 2.0 through 3.5 and another targeting .NET 4.0.  It is recommended that for applications that target .NET 4.0 they should distribute Gibraltar.Package.NET40.exe to be sure it works on all computers that could support the application.

    Defects Fixed In This Release

    This is the list of issues fixed since the last release version (


    Loupe Desktop


    Gemini Integration

    See Also