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Loupe - Log - Monitor - Resolve
Inheritance Hierarchy
Gibraltar.Agent.Metrics Namespace (Loupe.Agent.NETCore)
ClassA single event metric instance object, representing one instance of an event metric definition.
ClassDefine an event metric with value columns from the members of the current object.
ClassThe definition of an event metric, which must be registered before any specific event metric instance can be created or sampled.
ClassIndicates which field, property, or method should be used to determine the instance name for the event metric.
ClassOne sample of a Event metric
ClassDefine a value column mapped from this field, property, or zero-argument method as part of the event metric definition.
ClassDefines one value that can be associated with an event metric, created via eventMetricDefinition.AddValue(...);
ClassA single instance of a metric that is recorded by sampling its value on a periodic basis.
ClassDescribes shared parameters for sampled metrics defined on the current object.
ClassThe definition of a user-defined sampled metric
ClassDesignate a field, property, or method to provide the divisor for a specified sampled metric counter.
ClassIndicates which field, property, or method should be used to provide the instance name for the sampled metric.
ClassDefine a specific sampled metric counter mapped from this field, property, or zero-argument method.
EnumerationA suggested interval between value samples.
EnumerationDetermines what the raw data for a given sampled metric is, and how it has to be processed to produce final data point values for display.
EnumerationIndicates the default way to interpret multiple values for display purposes
See Also