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Getting Started - What's New - Version 5.2

Review Loupe 5.0 Notes

Since this is an update release you should read Getting Started - What's New - Version 5.0 for a more complete picture of the new capabilities in 5.0.

New Features in This Release

Loupe Web UI

Session Properties

Custom session properties can now be referenced in the Session list filter (where it will search across values of session properties) and are displayed in the Session view as their own display below the built-in session details (like application version and OS information).

Hierarchal session properties are now supported with JSON in the value field of a session property rendered as a tree view in the display.

Find Sessions by Properties

Loupe View supports finding sessions by specifying a value of a custom session property in addition to the traditional user & computer.  For example, if you add a custom property "Customer" to each session and specify the customer name you would then be able to find all sessions for that customer by entering all or part of their name in the Find box.

Bulk Alert Cleanup

Alerts (in the Monitor module) can be cleared up in a group using the new Cleanup feature, shown on most list views of alerts.  Cleanup can bulk resolve alerts based on the last occurrence so you can rapidly catch up with the current status of the system after a major problem.

Copy Link Action to Quickly Get Permalink

Entities with permalinks (like sessions, alerts, issues, events, users, computers, etc.) now support a Copy Link action which provides a link to the item in the web UI, suitable for putting into an external system or email.

Loupe Server

Separate Configurable Limits for Monitor

The traditional configuration limits of max age of log files and maximum size of log files has been extended to support a configurable search index size.  When using Elasticsearch as the full text index, a separate size limit can be configured for total size and maximum age of session data to keep in the full text index.  This limit doesn't apply to general full text usage for searching issues and events.

Efficient Repository Data Pruning for Size

When keeping a large volume of data files, the size pruning process is dramatically more efficient, reducing load on the database and the time necessary to perform pruning.


Loupe 5.x is generally backwards compatible with 3.0 and later with the following notes:

.NET 4.7.2 Required for Desktop and Server:  Changes to Loupe Desktop and Loupe Server require .NET 4.7.2 to be installed.  There is no change to the Agent - it still works with .NET 2.0 SP1 and later.

Defects Fixed in This Release

Loupe Server

We're now sharing our internal defect tracking number as part of each resolved issue so you can associate these items with information provided by our support team.  The number indicated is assigned by our work item tracking system, so gaps in sequence typically reflect other tracked items (like user stories, features, etc.) or defects that were introduced and resolved within the release.

See Also