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Developer's Guide - Java - Using Loupe with other Logging Frameworks
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A primary design goal for Loupe was to ensure that it would work with a range of external systems preserving as much of their native capability as feasible.  The Log object has two special methods specifically designed to provide a high performance interface for third party systems.  The Log.WriteMessage method provides overloads designed for use with both external log systems and logging classes that are central log message dispatchers in an application.

As part of our commitment to supporting external log systems, you can check the OnLoupe Support Site for the latest set of appenders published for a range of systems.  Most appenders are published to Maven Central along with Loupe Core, but at the time of documentation the following appenders are supported:

Even if your application doesn't use Log4j2, we recommend adding that appender as many other dependencies within the Java ecosystem, such as Spring, do.
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