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    Loupe Server - Cloud-Hosted
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    Loupe is also available Cloud-Hosted as a subscription service.  With Loupe Cloud-Hosted, you get a Loupe repository, maintained by us, scalable to virtually any limit you may need.

    Why use Loupe Cloud-Hosted?

    How do I Get Started?

    Visit the About Loupe Service page where you can read more on the service and sign up for a free 30-day trial. 

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is my data mixed with other people's data?

    No.  With the Loupe Cloud-Hosted, you get a private repository that is just for you.  Your session summary and detail information is only accessible from your account.

    What's your privacy policy?  Will you be reading my information?

    We're not in the business of selling or mining other people's information.  There's a full copy of the privacy policy online but in short:

    1. We will not access your session data that flows through the service.
    2. We will record usage information about how the service is used:
      • Number of unique clients submitting data
      • Number of desktops retrieving data
      • Number of sessions moved
      • Number of bytes moved.
      • A few other low level anonymous metrics. 
      • This information is solely for our purposes of ensuring the ongoing stability and reliability of the Loupe Service.  We do reserve the right to publish aggregate metrics of this data, but your individual data will not be published.
    3. We may access private information stored in index files during the course of performing system upgrades.  The information will still be considered private and confidential.

    So for example:

    See Also