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Loupe / User's Guide / Loupe Server / Loupe Self-Hosted / Configuration Options / Loupe Server Administration - Configuration - Queue
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    Loupe Server Administration - Configuration - Queue
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    This configuration only applies to Loupe Standard Edition

    The queue configuration section configures Loupe to use Azure Service Bus instead of the SQL Server for a queue. The following options can be specified:

    Option Description Default Value Required
    connectionString The connection string for Azure Service Bus.  If set, Azure Service Bus will be used instead of the repository SQL database. "" true

    Optional.  The prefix to use for all queues.

    "" true

    Using the Server.Config

    The Server.Config file is an XML formatted file with a section for email. 

    Copy Code
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <queue connectionString="(An Azure Service Bus Connection String)" />

    Using Environment Variables

    To set the configuration through environment variables (like for hosting in an Azure App Service), the configuration items use the format:


    For example, to set the connection string use Loupe__Server__Queue_ConnectionString