Loupe - Log - Monitor - Resolve
Loupe.Agent.PerformanceCounters Namespace / PerfCounterMetricCollection Class
Properties Methods Events

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    PerfCounterMetricCollection Class Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by PerfCounterMetricCollection.

    Public Properties
    Public PropertyThe number of items in the dictionary. (Inherited from Gibraltar.Monitor.MetricCollection)
    Public PropertyThe definition of all of the metrics in this collection.  
    Public PropertyIndicates whether the dictionary is read-only (meaning no new metrics can be added) or not. (Inherited from Gibraltar.Monitor.MetricCollection)
    Public PropertyOverloaded. Retrieve performance counter metric packet object by the performance counter object it represents. If the item is not already in the collection, it will be added.  
    Public PropertyObject Change Locking object. (Inherited from Gibraltar.Monitor.MetricCollection)
    Public Methods
    Public MethodOverloaded. Create a new metric instance for the provided performance counter object  
    Public MethodClearing objects is not supported. (Inherited from Gibraltar.Monitor.MetricCollection)
    Public MethodIndicates whether the specified metric object is contained in this dictionary. (Inherited from Gibraltar.Monitor.MetricCollection)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Determines whether the collection contains an element with the specified key. (Inherited from Gibraltar.Monitor.MetricCollection)
    Public MethodCopies the entire contents of the dictionary into the provided array starting at the specified index. (Inherited from Gibraltar.Monitor.MetricCollection)
    Public MethodReturns the zero-based index of the specified metric within the dictionary. (Inherited from Gibraltar.Monitor.MetricCollection)
    Public MethodInserting objects by index is not supported because the collection is sorted. (Inherited from Gibraltar.Monitor.MetricCollection)
    Public MethodRemoving objects is not supported. (Inherited from Gibraltar.Monitor.MetricCollection)
    Public MethodRemoving objects by index is not supported because the collection is always read only. (Inherited from Gibraltar.Monitor.MetricCollection)
    Public MethodCopy the entire collection of metric instances into a new array. (Inherited from Gibraltar.Monitor.MetricCollection)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Retrieve an item from the collection by the performance counter it represents if present. If not present, the default value of the object is returned.  
    Protected Methods
    Protected MethodRaises an event whenever our collection is changed to notify objects that want to know when we change. (Inherited from Gibraltar.Monitor.MetricCollection)
    Public Events
    Public EventRaised every time the collection's contents are changed to allow subscribers to automatically track changes. (Inherited from Gibraltar.Monitor.MetricCollection)
    See Also