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Gibraltar.Monitor Namespace / EventMetric Class

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    EventMetric Class Methods
    In This Topic

    For a list of all members of this type, see EventMetric members.

    Public Methods
    Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Overloaded. Creates a new metric instance or returns an existing one from the provided definition information, or returns any existing instance if found.  
    Public MethodCalculates the offset date from the provided baseline for the specified interval (Inherited from Gibraltar.Monitor.Metric)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Calculate displayable values based on the full information captured for this metric  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Indicates the relative sort order of this object to another of the same type.  
    Public MethodCreate a new metric sample. The caller must write this sample for it to be recorded.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Determines if the provided object is identical to this object.  
    Public MethodProvides a representative hash code for objects of this type to spread out distribution in hash tables. (Inherited from Gibraltar.Monitor.Metric)
    Protected Methods
    Protected MethodOverridden. Determines what specific samples to use and then calculates the effective values for each sample, returning the results in the provided new metric value set Determines what specific samples to use and then calculates the effective values for each sample, returning the results in the provided new metric value set  
    Protected MethodOverridden. Invoked when deserializing a metric sample to allow inheritors to provide derived implementations Invoked when deserializing a metric sample to allow inheritors to provide derived implementations  
    Protected MethodOverridden. Invoked by the base class to allow inheritors to provide derived implementations Invoked by the base class to allow inheritors to provide derived implementations  
    See Also