| Name | Description |
| AddedDateTime | The date and time the session was added to the repository. |
| AgentVersion | The version of the Loupe Agent used to monitor the session. |
| Application | The title of the application that recorded the session. |
| ApplicationDescription | The description of the application from its manifest. |
| ApplicationEnvironmentCaption | Optional. The caption of the application environment this session is a part of. |
| ApplicationEnvironmentId | Optional. The unique Id of the application environment this session is a part of. |
| ApplicationEnvironmentServiceCaption | Optional. The caption of the service within the application environment this session is a part of. |
| ApplicationEnvironmentServiceId | Optional. The unique Id of the service within the application environment this session is a part of. |
| ApplicationType | The type of process the application ran as. |
| ApplicationVersion | The version of the application that recorded the session. |
| Caption | A display caption for the session. |
| ColorDepth | The number of bits of color depth. |
| CommandLine | The complete command line used to execute the process including arguments. |
| Computer | Optional. Represents the computer that sent the session. |
| ComputerId | Optional. The unique tracking Id of the computer that recorded this session. |
| CriticalCount | The number of critical messages in the messages collection. |
| CurrentCultureName | The current application culture name. |
| CurrentUICultureName | The current user interface culture name. |
| DisplayAddedDateTime | The date and time the session was added to the repository in the time zone the user has requested for display. |
| DisplayEndDateTime | The date and time the session ended or was last confirmed running in the time zone the user has requested for display. |
| DisplayStartDateTime | The date and time the session started in the time zone the user has requested for display. |
| DisplayUpdatedDateTime | The date and time the session header was last updated locally in the time zone the user has requested for display. |
| DnsDomainName | The DNS domain name of the computer that recorded the session. May be empty. |
| Duration | The time range between the start and end of this session. |
| EndDateTime | The date and time the session ended or was last confirmed running. |
| Environment | Optional. The environment this session is running in. |
| ErrorCount | The number of error messages in the messages collection. |
| Framework | The primary application framework that recorded the session |
| FullyQualifiedUserName | The fully qualified user name of the user the application was run as. |
| HasData | Indicates if session data is available. |
| HostName | The host name / NetBIOS name of the computer that recorded the session. |
| Id | The unique Id of the session. |
| IsComplete | Indicates if all of the session data is stored that is expected to be available. |
| IsLive | Indicates if the session is currently running and a live stream is available. |
| IsNew | Indicates if the session has ever been viewed or exported. |
| MemoryMB | The number of megabytes of installed memory in the host computer. |
| MessageCount | The number of messages in the messages collection. |
| OSArchitecture | The processor architecture of the operating system. |
| OSBootMode | The boot mode of the operating system. |
| OSCultureName | The culture name of the underlying operating system installation. |
| OSEditionName | The edition of the operating system without the family name, such as Workstation or Standard Server. |
| OSFamilyName | The well known operating system family name, like Windows Vista or Windows Server 2003. |
| OSFullName | The well known OS name and edition name. |
| OSFullNameWithServicePack | The well known OS name, edition name, and service pack like Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3. |
| OSPlatformCode | The OS Platform code, nearly always 1 indicating Windows NT. |
| OSProductType | The OS product type code, used to differentiate specific editions of various operating systems. |
| OSServicePack | The operating system service pack, if any. |
| OSSuiteMask | The OS Suite Mask, used to differentiate specific editions of various operating systems. |
| OSVersion | The version information of the installed operating system (without service pack or patches). |
| ProcessorCores | The total number of processor cores in the host computer. |
| Processors | The number of physical processor sockets in the host computer. |
| Product | The product name of the application that recorded the session. |
| PromotionLevel | Optional. The promotion level of the session. |
| Properties | A copy of the collection of application specific properties. (Set via configuration at logging startup. Do not modify here.) |
| RuntimeArchitecture | The processor architecture the process is running as. |
| RuntimeVersion | The version of the .NET runtime that the application domain is running as. |
| ScreenHeight | The number of pixels tall for the virtual desktop. |
| ScreenWidth | The number of pixels wide of the virtual desktop. |
| StartDateTime | The date and time the session started. |
| Status | The final status of the session. |
| TerminalServer | Indicates if the session was run through terminal server. Only applies to User Interactive sessions. |
| TimeZoneCaption | The display caption of the time zone where the session was recorded. |
| UpdatedDateTime | The date and time the session header was last updated locally. |
| Uri | The link to this item on the server. |
| UserDomainName | The domain of the user id that was used to run the session. |
| UserInteractive | Indicates if the session was run in a user interactive mode. |
| UserName | The user Id that was used to run the session. |
| WarningCount | The number of warning messages in the messages collection. |