CustomSampledMetricSample Class Methods
In This Topic
For a list of all members of this type, see CustomSampledMetricSample members.
Public Methods
| Name | Description |
| CompareTo | Overloaded. Compares this sample to another sample to determine if they are the same or how to sort them. |
| ComputeValue | Overloaded. Overridden. Compute the resultant value for this sample compared with the provided baseline sample Compute the counter value for this sample compared with the provided baseline sample (if any) |
| Equals | Overloaded. Determines if the provided object is identical to this object. |
| GetHashCode | Provides a representative hash code for objects of this type to spread out distribution in hash tables. (Inherited from Gibraltar.Monitor.MetricSample) |
| Write | Write this sample to the current process log if it hasn't been written already (Inherited from Gibraltar.Monitor.MetricSample) |
See Also