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Loupe.Extensibility.Data Namespace / IEventMetricValueDefinitionCollection Interface

In This Topic
    IEventMetricValueDefinitionCollection Interface Methods
    In This Topic

    For a list of all members of this type, see IEventMetricValueDefinitionCollection members.

    Public Methods
     MethodAdds an item to the ICollection. (Inherited from System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<IEventMetricValueDefinition>)
     MethodRemoves all items from the ICollection. (Inherited from System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<IEventMetricValueDefinition>)
     MethodDetermines whether the ICollection contains a specific value. (Inherited from System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<IEventMetricValueDefinition>)
     MethodDetermines whether the collection contains an element with the specified key.  
     MethodCopies the elements of the ICollection to an System.Array, starting at a particular System.Array index. (Inherited from System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<IEventMetricValueDefinition>)
     MethodReturns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. (Inherited from System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<IEventMetricValueDefinition>)
     MethodRetrieve the index of a metric value definition by its name  
     MethodInserts an item to the IList at the specified index. (Inherited from System.Collections.Generic.IList<IEventMetricValueDefinition>)
     MethodRemoves the first occurrence of a specific object from the ICollection. (Inherited from System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<IEventMetricValueDefinition>)
     MethodRemoves the IList item at the specified index. (Inherited from System.Collections.Generic.IList<IEventMetricValueDefinition>)
     MethodRetrieve an item from the collection by its key if present. If not present, the default value of the object is returned.  
    See Also